Every year SketchFest brings together the most talented and hilarious comedians we can find across the globe, pairs them with the best and brightest local acts already killing it in town, and curates the most magical laugh-a-minute fest in the Northwest. Come see us this September at Unexpected Productions.
Friday, Sept. 9
7pm: Jeffrey Nickels/Cam Wylie
9pm: Jean Paul Bros/Maple Daddies
Saturday, Sept. 10
5pm: Maple Daddies/Homeless Fireparty
7pm: Responsible Adults/Bad Medicine
9pm: Amanda Xeller/EFTL
10pm: ~happy hour hang sesh~
Sunday, Sept. 11
6pm: Seattle Showcase
Turbo Turkey
A Southern Mood
Noble Rot
Butt Collection
Drop the Rootbeer
830pm: Jason Miller/Jordan Moeller