Let’s Say…

…you are reading this today (November 27th 2006) from somewhere in or around LA, then go see this show tonight: All American Push Up Party All American Push Up Party is a character-based solo show performed by Dusty Warren (of Flaming Box of Stuff). He has performed the show in…


Komedy Hreminder

Don’t forget that this Thursday, comedy phenoms Kasper Hauser will be playing with Dusty Warren at the “don’t call it ‘the’” rebar as a part of their national tour promoting their new book SkyMaul. We highly recommend this show! Thurs., Nov. 30, 2006 8:00 pm (7 pm doors) tix $12.00 Re-bar • 1114 Howell St. Advance tickets http://www.brownpapertickets.com/ And now…


Sketch Stuff On Tap For The Weekend

For those looking for a chance to see/hear/touch/taste comedy this weekend there are actually a slew of events to choose from. As previously mentioned both Train of Thought and The Pork Filled Players have shows this weekend. Scroll down a few entries for all the details. Elsewhere are two exciting…


The Space Was Made For You And Meeeee

Seeing how Sketchfest Seattle doesn’t have a single current staff member under thirty, we’ve taken to placing the word “the” before all proper nouns younger than ten years old. That said, we’d like to announce our new page on “the mySpace.” Yes, we’ve finally caved in and plummetted into the…


Shop Till You Drop… From The Sky!

You’ve waited for this your entire life. Even if you didn’t know you were waiting for it – you were. It’s an innate longing hard-coded into the very fiber of all creatures big and small. Sorry. I’ve been reading “The Blogger’s Guide to Over-Stating Expectations.” Just the same, San Francisco…


His Name Isn’t Really Earl

I want to take a moment from our usual sketch news and reviews to tell you a comedy-related anecdote. I was out in Washington DC this weekend visiting the wife while she’s there for work. We decided to visit a friend at her store in Bethesda on Saturday, and after…
