Stand-up for Sketch: Tyler Schnupp
Stand-up for Sketch: Andie Main
Stand-up for Sketch: Erin Ingle
Stand-up for Sketch: Brett Hamil
SketchFest isn’t just about sketch comedy, y’know. We like to make it a celebration of everything that cracks us up, which is why we bring in our favorite stand-up comedians to kick off every festival show. So meet Brett Hamil:
PreFunc Party Time! What’s on Tap for 9/25?
PreFunc Party Time! What’s on Tap for 9/21?
The Comedy Film Challenge Happens Saturday!
PreFunc Party Time! What’s on Tap for 9/19?

SketchFest starts September 26, but we’re not waiting that long to give you all the comedy you can handle! We’re putting on PreFunc shows building up to the festival proper that showcase our favorite local sketch groups! All PreFunc shows are popping off at The Pocket Theater. Here’s what’s happening…
PreFunc Party Time! What’s on Tap for 9/18?
SketchFest officially runs Friday, September 26 through Saturday, September 27 (and we’d be remiss if we didn’t tell you to get your tickets now!), but you don’t have to wait to get your sketch comedy fix! We’ve expanded SketchFest to include a preponderance of PreFunc shows to kick off the festivities!…