Category: news
What’s happening in the world of comedy – regionally and nationally.
I Did the Mash (And So Can You): One Man’s Take on Sketch Mash-Up
Sketchfest’s own Randall Cleveland participated in the March Sketch Mash-Up, where anyone – even YOU! – can write, rehearse, and perform sketch comedy in just one weekend! Stave off your stage fright: come see Sketch Mash-Up unfold THIS SUNDAY at the Seattle Creative Arts Center, then sign up to participate…
Seattle Sketch Comedy Month [June]
Share Your Ideas for 2013
SketchFriends: Meet Drop the Root Beer and Run
SketchFest at ArtsCrush!
Charles Presents A Cavalcade of Talk Noises!
Come Join Us at Bumbershoot!
You’re welcome for sparing you the obvious “Bump into you at Bumbershoot” reference. Let’s move on… Guess what?! SketchFest will be at the Theater Stage (Armory/Center House Stage) on Sunday September 2nd from 3:45-5 pm and if you’re not there during that time, well then you probably should be! If you…
SketchFriends: Meet Jesse Case and Courtney Kocak
We had the chance to catch up with Courtney Kocak and Jesse Case; the abnormally hilarious comedic geniuses behind the web sketch series NORMAL as they shared with us their thoughts on sketch comedy, Seattle’s incomparable coffee scene and Courtney’s lady parts. Alright, let’s not beat around the brass tacks. How’d you…