Cold Read Night Details Added

We’ve updated both our Events page and our Facebook page with details of our upcoming Cold Read Nights. You bring the words, we make them audible. Cold Read Nights happen at Satori Loft (619 Western Avenue – 4th Floor North) on various days in the near future – Wednesday, March 23rd,…


A New(s) Blog!

We here at SketchFest Seattle are pretty dang excited about all the events we have planned for this year. You can subscribe to this RSS feed to stay UP. TO. DATE! regarding all things SketchFest. To catch up on all of the previous blog posts, you can visit the blogger…


Applications and New Summer Workshop!

Two exciting announcements:  1) SketchFest Seattle is offering a 5-week sketch writing workshop this summer, taught by the one-and-only Mike Mathieu of The Cody Rivers Show. This is an excellent chance to elevate your comedy-writing skills to the next level, or learn what it takes to get started, with one of…


Tim and Eric, Japanese Clowns, and More

Do you love sketch comedy, but hate knowing what the hell’s going on?  Well, this Monday, SketchFest Seattle and Showbox SoDo will be bringing you Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!, Adult Swim‘s surreal and abrasively funny late night sketch show on Cartoon Network.  Congratulations to all our winners of the Tim and Eric contest who won free…


Sketchingham Week 1

Two of the three weeks of Sketchingham! – Sketchfest’s kid sister to the north – are already over. This weekend is the last chance to catch this wunderkind of alternative stand-up, sketch, clowning, and wild experimentation, and it’s not too late to get your tickets here! This year’s closing acts include Seattle stand-up Emmett…


SketchFest 2007

2 weekends. 7 cities. 15 groups. 49 comedians. The nation’s original festival devoted to sketch comedy returns! 15 of the hottest and funniest sketch comedy groups from across the USA will descend upon Capitol Hill this September 6th through 15th at the Erickson Theatre Off Broadway. THE SKINNY: What: SketchFest Seattle…


Viva Portlandia

The stage is dark on yet another Best of the Best SketchFest, which celebrated its fifth year this past weekend. The SketchFest Seattle Party Posse was only able to attend the second of the two nights, so our report is a bit stunted. However, the digest of our sister fest to the…


Laff Hole: The SketchFest Invasion

Wednesday June 20 – one night only! SketchFest Seattle invades Laff Hole with sketch, sketch, and more sketch! Each and every week, People’s Republic of Komedy and Capitol Hill Arts Center bring you a brilliant showcase of Seattle’s most cutting edge, innovative comedians. Combine hilarious stand-up comedy with a fantastic smattering of alternative sketch/improv and…
