Shop Till You Drop… From The Sky!

You’ve waited for this your entire life. Even if you didn’t know you were waiting for it – you were. It’s an innate longing hard-coded into the very fiber of all creatures big and small. Sorry. I’ve been reading “The Blogger’s Guide to Over-Stating Expectations.” Just the same, San Francisco…


His Name Isn’t Really Earl

I want to take a moment from our usual sketch news and reviews to tell you a comedy-related anecdote. I was out in Washington DC this weekend visiting the wife while she’s there for work. We decided to visit a friend at her store in Bethesda on Saturday, and after…


We’ll Spin You Through The Galaxy, On The…

“You got sketch in my Internet!” “You got Internet on my sketch!” Two great tastes that share a TCP/IP Protocol together. Yes, perennial web time-waster JibJab has announced “The Great Sketch Experiment,” a competition where six “indie comedy groups” are chosen to have select sketches directed by legendary director of…


My blog, Skit

What do we have here? A much-neglected comedy blog? Well, that’s not very funny. That’s not funny at all! Yes sketchfans, after a year+ of silence, the SketchFest Seattle blog is back, and more back than ever! Keep your eyes, ears and RSS feeds tuned here for the latest on…


Making The Love Eyes

I want to give props to our sponsors: Capitol Hill Internet Cafe and Magnolia Skin Care. Also want to thank Archie Mcphee, Top Pot Donuts and Monster Energy Drink for providing product for our performers. Just spreading the love people. Just spreading the love.


SketchFest Day Four

J and I hit the mall today after school. Thought about getting the new Good Charlotte live album, but I found a cool pair of black leather shoes at Hot Topic instead. Sale!!! We saw B working at the pretzel stand. Hope he knows he looks like a tool in…


SketchFest Day Three

Hi there! Sorry I’m a little late with Day Three, but I was hungover all day yesterday. Yeah, well, you’re the one with the problem. Let’s get right to it. Where do I start? I wish I could say that it was a success, but every show suffered from some…
