Tag: performers
PreFunc Party Time! What’s on Tap for 9/18?
SketchFest officially runs Friday, September 26 through Saturday, September 27 (and we’d be remiss if we didn’t tell you to get your tickets now!), but you don’t have to wait to get your sketch comedy fix! We’ve expanded SketchFest to include a preponderance of PreFunc shows to kick off the festivities!…
SketchFest Spotlight: Princess!
SketchFest Spotlight: Now with Dames!
SketchFest Spotlight: Day Job!
SketchFest Spotlight: Drop the Root Beer and Run!

Performers often talk about developing a “groupmind,” where everyone in the show is in sync with one another and can anticipate their scene partners’ next move just from sheer familiarity. That familiarity with one another makes Drop the Root Beer and Run sharp, smart, and incredibly fun to watch. Forged…
SketchFest Spotlight: The Entertainment Show!
What do you get when you perform sketch comedy with one of your best friends in Seattle for 10 years (besides extremely jaded)? You get a comedy duo so perfectly in sync that every second is jam-packed with jokes and a downright fanatical following that comes out in force to…
SketchFest Spotlight: Lilan & Wilder!

Yes, “Lilan.” As in “Lee-Lawn.” More and more people are learning the proper pronunciation, as Lilan & Wilder have been hard at work since 2011 amazing audiences around Los Angeles and across the country. The former college roommates and self-proclaimed “most hardcore best friends in the whole flippin’ world” are…